The holiday season is a time to look forward to spending with friends and loved ones. But
caring for an aging family member can make planning for the holidays challenging. Almost 70% of caregivers experience stress during the holiday season (AARP 2017).
Let’s look at some ways to reduce caregiver stress and get back to enjoying your time with your loved ones this holiday season.

Keep your Routine
If you have a consistent time that you do things such as sleeping, eating and bathing each day, try to stick to this routine as much as possible throughout the holidays.
Don’t Overdo It
Set limits on what you do during the holidays. You don’t have to attend every get-together you’ve been invited to. Your friends will forgive you if you only buy gifts for your immediate family. Caregiving is a full-time job. Managing this on top of your normal job and preparing for the holidays can be hectic if you don’t set limits.

Keep Gatherings Small
If you are planning a holiday get-together, keeping it relatively small will help you stress less. Not only are smaller events easier to plan, the smaller crowd makes it easier to keep an eye on your loved one. When attending large events, ask the host if there is a quiet space you and your loved one can use to take a break.
Ask for Help
Enlist the help of friends and family members if you are planning an event or need help watching your loved one. Your siblings may be able to stay with your care recipient while you go out and shop for gifts. Your grandchildren can help decorate your home for the holidays. Be creative when asking for help!

Start New Traditions
Doing the same things you’ve always done during the holidays may no longer be realistic now that you’re caring for someone. It may be difficult to accept, but adjusting these traditions to your current situation will ultimately help you stress less. For example, invite guests for dessert instead of a full meal.
Ultimately, you should take it easy on yourself and your care recipient. It’s ok if you’re no longer able to do everything you used to. Don’t let dissatisfaction detract from your joy during the holidays. Be thankful for the time you get to spend with those closest to you.
If you need assistance in your caregiving, Aging & In-Home Services has a Family Caregiver Center that can offer information and resources to support you and your loved one. Just Call Us to learn more!